Ofsted Rated

"Children happily arrive and are warmly greeted by the staff. Babies receive
sensitive care and support from familiar adults who know them well. Staff help
children to feel safe and secure. Children become confident to communicate. They
develop their vocabulary through naturally occurring events and with planned
-OFSTED 2023
Our Farm

One of Lingfield Nursery School’s most special features is its setting. We’re surrounded by 14 acres of beautiful farmland. The farm is also home to a collection of friendly animals that the children delight in getting to know. "Children have ample opportunities to access the outdoors. Children plant and grow their own flowers and vegetables in the allotment area." -OFSTED 2023
Children's WELL-BEING

Staff have high expectations of behaviour
and value children's choices as they play. This helps to promote children's selfesteem and well-being. All children demonstrate a positive attitude to their
learning, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
- OFSTED 2023