All prices include formula milk, nappies, wipes, and sun cream (Selected Brands)
All meals, snacks and drinks are also included.

Your fees will be calculated on a day rate,

 therefore, your monthly invoice will fluctuate depending on the days
your child attends the setting and the number of days in a month.

4 Months- 2 Years 2 Years - 3 Years 3 Years +
£80.00 (8am-6pm)
£72.50 (8am-6pm)
£70.00 (8am-6pm)

We offer a 5% discount for any children attending full time.
We offer a 7% Sibling Discount for each child.
We will not charge you for Bank Holidays or any full days that we close.

We offer childcare on a full day basis with a requirement
of a minimum of 2 full days per week. This will allow the children and staff to develop strong relationships.



Unfortunately the government funding does not pay for all the things that make Lingfield Nursery School such a special place. This includes our 14 acres of land, our purpose built nursery setting and our wonderful chef that makes delicious home cooked meals. The ‘free funding’ was never intended to cover the cost of consumables. This means we are allowed to ask you for a consumable cost for each funded session. This will be inclusive but not limited to the extra facilities that we offer on site, the meals, drinks, sun cream, access to Famly and many other things that help us to nurture the children in our care. Please speak to the office for more information. 

Please note – we are awaiting clarification from Surrey Council on how the funding will work for 2 year olds however we are sure this will look similar to what has already been put in place. 

However please note we do have very limited spaces for 2 years olds. 


We are open ALL year round (with the exception of between Christmas and New Year) however the funding will be used term time ONLY. Please see the term dates below:

8th January – 9th February

19th February – 28th March

15th April – 24th May

3rd June – 19th July

9th September – 18th October

28th October – 20th December


There are lots of options available to help support families when paying for childcare costs.


Once we have received the completed registration form, along with £50 registration fee and £150 (refundable deposit) we can then secure your child’s place. (Availability dependant). Please enquire for up to date availability

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Our Location

Bank Farm, Ray Ln, Lingfield RH7 6LJ, United Kingdom

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